Publish a public Tableau report and avoid losing public access to republished workbooks

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Publish a public report

To apply public permissions to a Tableau workbook that you have developed, follow the instructions in Use Data Delivery Apply Security to assign security to Tableau workbooks. Choose the following options in the Apply Security wizard:

  • On the Data Classifications tab, choose Public as the Data Classification.
  • On the Permissions tab, choose Anyone with the URL (Public).

Avoid losing public access to a republished workbook

By default, when you republish a workbook to Tableau Server, Tableau Desktop will revert the workbook's permissions to the project default permissions.

To avoid losing public access to a republished workbook, make a "dummy" change to the permissions as follows:

  1. In the "Publish Workbook to Tableau Server" dialog box, under the "Permissions" heading, next to "Set to existing workbook default", click Edit.
  2. Click one of the security groups or the Guest account, which will open a dialog box. Don't make any changes, and click OK.
  3. Click the original publishing dialog to return focus there. Under "Permissions", you should now see the phrase "Set to custom", which means your republished workbook is publicly accessible.

Reapply public access if lost

If the public access is lost on the workbook after republishing it, follow the instructions in "Reapply security to a workbook" in Use Data Delivery Apply Security to assign security to Tableau workbooks.

This is document akqk in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2022-04-04 15:47:41.