ARCHIVED: If I am using a modem to access OneStart, how can I log in more quickly?

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If you are logging into OneStart portal using a modem connection, you may experience a slow response. To avoid this problem, it is best to load all channels in a text-based format. To do this, on the OneStart login page, check the box next to Modem User.

When you log in as a modem user, OneStart will load OneStart Lite, a mainly text-based version of OneStart with minimal graphics; this version will load much more quickly for users with a slow connection.

You can also access OneStart Lite directly at:

Note: OneStart Lite provides access to the same content as the full version of OneStart, but it does not allow you to personalize the portal.

This is document akuo in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-21 17:51:06.