ARCHIVED: In OneStart, why do I see two pages with the same name?

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.

If you signed into OneStart prior to March 2002, you were given a set of default pages based on your role. For example, a student at IUPUI would have been given three pages by default: an IU All page, an IUPUI page, and an IUPUI Student page. Users were also free to customize these pages for their particular needs and preferences.

With the March 2002 release, OneStart introduced the concept of Group Pages and My Pages. Group Pages are default pages that have been set up specifically for a user's role. For example, the same IUPUI student would now see a Group Page called IUPUI Student page. The difference with the new Group Pages is that users cannot customize these pages. This allows a specific default page to be managed for users within a certain role. Content can be added automatically to users within that role. New default pages can be established without affecting previously customized pages.

With the introduction of Group Pages, any pre-existing pages in your OneStart profile have been set up as "My Pages". These are pages that you can customize to your particular preferences. If you signed into OneStart prior to March 2002, you may have some My Pages with the same name as one of your Group Pages. You can either delete the redundant My Pages, or you may choose to customize them or rename the pages for your own personal preferences.

This is document akvj in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-21 17:50:57.