If you have problems with a classroom or its equipment at IU Indianapolis

For Classroom Technology Services (CTS) support hours, see Classroom Technology Services. To report problems with multimedia equipment in a classroom, call Learning Spaces Support (CTS) at 812-855-8765, email clastech@iu.edu, or fill out the Report a Classroom Technology Issue form.

At IU Indianapolis, if your classroom equipment is not working properly (for example, a computer locking up or an overhead out of transparencies), contact Classroom Technology Services at 317-274-8400 for assistance.

If you have a problem with the physical aspects of a classroom (for example, missing dry erase markers or chalk, or an incorrectly set clock), contact Campus Facility Services at 317-278-1900.

For information on equipment installed in classrooms at any Indiana University campus, use the CTS Classroom Database.

This is document alzb in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-04-29 12:04:20.