ARCHIVED: In OneStart, how do students change a non-IU email address?

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  1. Log into OneStart. The "Student Center" area should be visible; if it is not, select the Services tab, and choose the Student Self-Service section on the left.

    Click Go to Student Center.

    If your internet pop-up blocker is set to block all pop-ups, you'll need to turn it off or change the setting to allow them; refer to your browser help for instructions. For further assistance, contact your local Support Center.

  2. Under "Personal Information", in the other personal... drop-down menu, choose Email Addresses. Click >> to continue.
  3. In the "Email Addresses" table, if you do not see a row for "Non-IU E-mail", click Add An Email Address, and then specify Non-IU E-mail in the drop-down menu. Enter the desired address in the "Email Address" column.
  4. Click Save. You can now close the window.

If you have problems changing your non-IU email address, contact your campus Office of Admissions.

This is document ancd in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-10 13:20:46.