About IU Classifieds

IU Classifieds contains items of interest to the Indiana University community.

Access to IU Classifieds requires IU authentication and is available to admitted and enrolled students, as well as current faculty, staff, hourly employees, and IU Foundation employees.

  • Use of university resources for this purpose is a privilege extended to students and employees for personal, non-commercial use, and not for the promotion of commercial or personal businesses.
  • The use of IU Classifieds to promote or provide pornographic materials or sexual services is strictly prohibited.
  • The buying or selling of IU parking permits is prohibited, as parking permits are the property of the university.
  • The terms of any transactions are between the buyer and seller, so take appropriate precautions.
  • Classifieds may contain office telephone numbers; however, it is the shared responsibility of supervisors and employees to assure that this privilege is not abused.
  • Honor all copyrights when posting images and text.
  • Housing postings must follow the federal Fair Housing Act and state laws; see Fair Housing is Everyone's Right.

By using IU Classifieds, you agree to abide by Appropriate Use of Information Technology Resources (IT-01) and to use IU Classifieds appropriately. These pages are not intended for solicitation, political purposes, or publishing opinions, nor are they to be used to make jokes or mislead others. The university reserves the right to remove any posting it deems inappropriate.

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Last modified on 2023-09-11 15:44:34.