ARCHIVED: KB web services glossary

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The following terms are used throughout the Knowledge Base web services documentation. If you have questions, send mail to


Knowledge Base content can be rendered differently depending on who is viewing it. Different groups of viewers like this are represented by audiences. A client can specify that it is showing files to a particular audience, and the server will adjust its output accordingly.

The Knowledge Management team can let you know whether you should specify an audience for use in your client.

Document ID or DocID

A four-letter code that identifies a particular piece of content. For instance, this file's docid is aqpq.


Every file belongs to at least one domain. Every Knowledge Base user also belongs to at least one domain. Each user can view only content that belongs to the same domains the user belongs to.

Don't worry about the exact details of how domains work, because you will probably never need to do anything with them; most clients will always use a particular set of domains. You simply need to understand that the list of domains helps determine what content is available to you and your users.

Domain class

Every domain belongs to a domain class. Similarly, every user belongs to a domain class. Users may belong only to domains which are in that domain class.

As with domains, the domain class you use will help determine which documents are available to you. The Knowledge Management team can let you know which domain class you should use for your client.


Each file has a visibility, which determines where and how it may appear. For instance, those with a visibility of nosearch are visible to the general public, but are not displayed in search results. Current values are visible, invisible, archived, draft, and nosearch; other values may appear in the future.

Most clients will not need to use visibility information; the access restrictions related to visibility are handled server-side. This information is provided to clients primarily so they may display it to interested users, if desired.

This is document aqpq in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-02-08 14:27:02.