ARCHIVED: For Sakai, what are Jira and Confluence, and how do I create an account?

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Sakai employs Jira ( to track and manage issues, including bug reports, tasks, and feature requests. The Confluence enterprise wiki ( is for reviewing, reporting, and resolving Sakai development activities; also, most Sakai Discussion Groups and Working Groups maintain space there. Both Jira and Confluence allow users to add comments and, where permitted, to create and modify existing pages.

While both Jira and Confluence share a common user database, Jira is the place to create a user account. Although the applications share usernames and passwords, single sign-on is not currently supported; thus, you must independently log into each application. You can create an account by completing the form at:!default.jspa

This is document aqqv in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:16:31.