ARCHIVED: In Cyrus mail, how do I set up a vacation message?

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In Cyrus mail, you can set up an automatic response for messages sent to your Indiana University email account while you are away on vacation or otherwise unable to check your email.

Set up a vacation message

  1. Log into IU Webmail.
  2. In the top menu, click Vacation.
  3. On the Vacation Edit page, under "Vacation", in the "My email addresses:" field, type your email address. If you have more than one email address coming to this mailbox, specify those addresses here. Each address should be on its own line.
  4. If there are people to whom you do not want to send your vacation message, list them in the "Addresses to not send responses to:" field. Each address should be on its own line.
  5. To not send your vacation message in reply to mailing lists or other bulk mail messages, select Do not send responses to bulk or list messages.
  6. In the "Number of days between vacation replies:" field, enter the number of days to wait before sending another vacation response to an address that's already received one.
  7. In the "Subject of vacation message:" field, type the text you want displayed in the "Subject" field of your vacation message.
  8. In the "Text of vacation message:" field, type the text that will be sent as the body of your vacation message.
  9. When you're finished, click Save. You'll see the following on-screen confirmation messages:
      Changes saved.
      Script successfully activated.
      You may leave the Cyrus filtering page by using the Logout button above.
  10. To return to your mail, in the top menu, click Inbox.

Note: Your vacation message is enabled as soon as you click Save.

Disabling vacation messages

  1. From the main Webmail window, click Filters; on the next screen, you may also need to click Filter Rules.
  2. In the "Existing rules" list, an "Enabled" column appears on the right. Click the green check mark to enable a vacation message rule, or the red X to disable it.

The change should take effect immediately.

This is document aqra in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 14:26:51.