ARCHIVED: What is the Microsoft Windows Security Center?

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The Microsoft Windows Security Center is a utility that comes with Windows Vista, and Windows XP Service Pack 2 and higher. It monitors the security settings of your Windows computer automatically, and makes sure that your computer is secure in three essential areas:

  • Verifies that a software firewall is installed
  • Assures that Automatic Updates is set to download and install patches
  • Checks that a current antivirus program is installed

If Windows Security Center detects a security problem in one of these areas, it will display a corresponding alert in the notification area (on the right side of the Taskbar, next to the clock). Until the problem is fixed, the alert will appear each time you log in. To find out how to fix the problem, click the alert to open the Security Center, and then click Recommendations.

If you manage your own security settings (i.e., your local support provider [LSP] doesn't manage them for you), you should verify that all three security areas are enabled. To do so, from the Start menu, click Control Panel, and then double-click the Security Center icon. You should see "Firewall", "Automatic Updates", and "Virus Protection" sections, with a green button and an "ON" icon to the right of each section.

In addition to the options above, the Windows Vista Security Center contains options for Windows Defender and Internet Explorer that are not available through the Security Center in Windows XP.

When viewing the Windows Security Center, you may encounter the icons described below:

  • Four-color shield: This indicates important security information and settings.
  • Blue shield with a question mark: There is a potential security risk.
  • Green shield with a checkmark: Your situation is more secure; your computer is using the recommended settings.
  • Yellow shield with an exclamation mark: Your security situation is potentially harmful; you should adjust your security settings to the recommendations.
  • Red shield with an X: Your computer's security settings are not recommended.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 15:12:10.