Hidden content and web page accessibility

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Content may need to be hidden for a variety of reasons. Depending on the method used, content may be hidden from everyone or from only a certain portion of website visitors.

If it is hidden from everyone, it will not be visible onscreen plus screen readers and other assistive technology will not be able to access the content. An example is navigation hidden behind a menu/hamburger button. The navigation items should not be available to anyone until toggled open.

Sometimes additional information is needed for screen reader users who may be unable to see visual context (where things are on screen), but it should not be visible on screen.


In most cases, content not visible on the screen should also be hidden from keyboard and screen reader users, and content that is hidden from keyboard and screen reader users should not be visible onscreen. Hidden content should not include focusable elements. For example, if a link is not visible, it must not receive focus.

The five recommended methods and example use cases for hiding content are:

  • HTML5 hidden attribute: Mobile navigation that appears after a button is toggled
  • CSS property display: none: Mobile navigation that appears after a button is toggled
  • CSS property visibility: hidden: Toolbar where space must be reserved but inactive element not reachable
  • Class visually-hidden: Text alternatives for screen readers
  • Aria-hidden attribute: Add to page in background when opening modal dialog
A sixth method of hiding content, CSS property opacity: 0 is generally not recommended, except in a very limited edge case, such as an animation changing opacity from 0 to 1. With opacity 0, focusable children such as links would still receive focus but are not visible.

Affected audiences

Different audiences are affected depending on the method used to hide content. Some methods hide content from screen readers and other assistive technology, but leave it visible on the screen. Others make the content invisible, but leave it accessible for assistive technology. Other methods hide content from everyone.

Evaluate hidden content

  • Use the decision tree below to identify the reason for hiding the content, including who should and should not have access to the content.
  • Use the table below to determine if a correct method has been used.

Decision tree

Choosing the appropriate method depends on the reason for hiding the content.

  1. Should the content be hidden from everyone?
    • If space on the page must be reserved (for layout or other reasons), use CSS property visibility: hidden.
    • If space does not need to be reserved, use either CSS display: none or HTML attribute hidden.
  2. Is the content intended for screen readers but should not be visible on screen?
    • Consider creating a "visually-hidden" class with CSS properties to render the content invisible.
  3. Should the content be hidden from screen readers but still visible?
    • Use the aria-hidden attribute.
Using aria-hidden="false" is not recommended. Instead, you should remove the aria-hidden attribute.

Methods for hiding content

Method Who can access? Who is it hidden from? DOM impact Accessibility tree impact Applies to child elements? Use case
HTML hidden No one Everyone Elements not rendered
Removed from accessibility tree
Completely hide content until user action, such as mobile navigation that appears after toggling a Menu button
display: none No one Everyone Elements not rendered
Removed from accessibility tree
Completely hide content until user action, such as mobile navigation that appears after toggling a Menu button
visibility: hidden No one Everyone Dimensions reserved
Removed from accessibility tree
Focusable children are not reachable
Toolbar where space must be reserved, but inactive element not reachable
"visually-hidden" class
Keyboard users and screen reader users
Visual users Content rendered None Yes
Text alternatives; must not include focusable elements
aria-hidden="true" Visual users Screen readers None
Removed from accessibility tree
Add to page in background when opening dialog, but need to remove links, buttons, and other interactive items from tab order; focusable items still receive focus but are not announced
Be careful that you don't use aria-hidden on any focusable elements (links, buttons, and other interactive items) unless you take those elements out of the tab order. Failing to do so can create a ghost item that can be landed on with focus, but nothing will be announced to assistive technology.

Check tab order

Content that is hidden using aria-hidden will be visible but will not be announced by screen readers. If focusable elements are hidden using this method, screen reader users will still land on them but will not hear what the element is.

A visually-hidden CSS class is like an invisibility cloak: whatever is under the cloak cannot be seen but is still there, and it can be run into. Content hidden this way is not visible on the page but will still be announced by screen readers. If focusable elements like links are hidden using this method, people navigating with keyboards will land on the links but not be able to see what the links are.

If either of these methods is used, focusable elements should be removed from tab order. To remove an item from tab order, set the tabindex to "-1".

The following example represents a link that is hidden from screen readers using aria-hidden, and removed from tab order with tabindex="-1":

<a href='#' aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1">Link text</a>

Those attributes may then be changed programmatically when the link should no longer be hidden from screen readers and once again become part of the tab order:

<a href="#" tabindex="0">Link text</a>

Create a visually hidden class

There are many ways to create a visually hidden class. The IU Web Framework and Rivet both include a visually hidden class. If you need to create your own visually hidden class, the HTML5 Boilerplate project version 6.1.0 set of properties is a good place to start.


Below are explanations of important concepts for hidden content and web page accessibility mentioned in the methods for hiding content table.

Document Object Model (DOM)

Hiding content can affect the Document Object Model (DOM). The DOM is a tree-like structure of all the elements on a web page. When using CSS property visibility: hidden, the space on the page where the content would usually be is reserved. This means that empty space will appear, which can be useful for the placement of other content on the page. HTML hidden and CSS property display: none completely remove the content, including the space, from the page. This may change where other items on the page appear.

Accessibility tree

HTML hidden, aria-hidden, and CSS properties display: none and visibility: hidden remove the elements from the accessibility tree. Removing content from the accessibility tree hides it from screen readers and other assistive technology.

Child elements

Many methods of hiding content also apply to child elements (that is, elements contained inside of another element). For example, a <div> element may contain main other elements nested inside it:


<h2>Example heading</h2>

<p>This paragraph and the heading are nested inside the div element. The paragraph and heading are children of the div.</p>


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Last modified on 2024-07-01 16:55:27.