Get help with Microsoft 365 software

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Microsoft 365 help feature

The help feature within Microsoft 365 applications is usually the fastest and easiest way to get help. In Windows, access it by pressing F1 from within the application, or select Help from the Help menu. In macOS, if you're in Word, for example, you can select Word Help from the Help menu.

Once the help feature opens, you can use the search feature in the task pane to find answers to your questions. To browse for topics, open the Table of Contents. The help feature also lets you connect to many of the Microsoft 365 online help features, including Assistance, Training, Communities, and Downloads.

Microsoft Microsoft 365 on the web

If you can't find an answer to your question in the help feature, you can go online to one of Microsoft's help pages:

Microsoft Learning

Learn about Microsoft Certifications.

Skillsoft training through Skillport

IU students, faculty, and staff can access Skillsoft training through Skillport. Skillport includes thousands of books and instructional videos on business, IT, and leadership topics.

IT Training

UITS IT Training offers many resources and services for training on Microsoft 365 applications. To learn more, see IT Training.

Support Center

The Support Center can provide assistance over the phone, via chat or screen sharing, or in person at Support Center walk-up desks; see Contact your campus IT Support Center.

This is document aswl in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-05-31 11:57:59.