ARCHIVED: At IU, how do I update my Treo 700w to version 1.22?

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Palm has released version 1.22, the latest update for the Palm Treo 700w running the latest version of Windows Mobile 5.0. This update includes the Microsoft Messaging and Security Feature Pack, as well as wireless configuration software and improvements to device memory management. With the addition of the Messaging and Security Feature Pack, Treo 700 users can now send and receive email in real time, as BlackBerry users have been able to do. This new feature pack also removes the need for SMS or text messages when using the "Always Up To Date" feature. Finally, the Messaging and Security Feature Pack also allows for better administrative control of handheld devices in case of theft or loss.

Before installing the 1.22 update, be sure you have completed the following:

  • You have installed ActiveSync 4.1 on your PC. For more information, see About Exchange ActiveSync
  • You have connected your Treo to the ActiveSync cable and synchronized your device with your Exchange account.
  • You have turned off antivirus software, screen savers, and power saving on your PC. You will need to turn these back on after you have installed the update.
  • You have made sure that you have at least 2MB of storage space available on your Treo.
  • You have turned off any passwords on your device.

Note: When you install the update, all information on the device will be lost and its settings will be returned to factory defaults. Back up your device before updating.

Note for Sprite Backup users: Do not perform a full restore from backups you made prior to installing the Treo 700w Updater. If you use the advanced restore features, do not restore the registry from pre-update backups.

To install the Treo 700w Updater 1.22, make sure you've met the above requirements, and then follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Updater file from Palm's web site.
  2. Unzip the file using WinZip.

    Note: Do not use an application other than WinZip to extract the file; using other software may result in a failed installation.

  3. Once the file has been unzipped, double-click the Setup application (setup.exe).
  4. To begin the updating process, double-click the Palm Treo 700w Updater icon on your Windows desktop.

    Note: Do not unplug the AC adapter from your Treo or otherwise try to stop the update while it is in progress. If you stop the update partway through, your Treo will be inoperable until you complete the update.

    While the update is running, your phone will be inactive. You will see the status of the update on your desktop PC screen, along with the estimated time remaining to complete the update. The process takes about 35 minutes. Once the update is complete, you will see a "Congratulations" screen on your desktop.

  5. Perform a soft reset on your device; do this by removing the back battery cover and then using a stylus to press the reset button to the left of the battery.
  6. Remove all 0KB .tmp files from the Windows\Temp folder on your Treo:
    1. Disconnect your Treo from the sync cable.
    2. From the Start menu, select Programs, and then choose File Explorer.
    3. From the Show menu, select My Device.
    4. From the Windows folder, select the Temp folder.
    5. Press Menu, select Edit, and then choose Select All.
    6. Press Menu again, and select Delete. When asked, confirm the deletion.

      Note: Depending on the number of files you have, it may take up to 30 minutes to delete everything. Your Treo will not be usable during this time, and it may appear to be frozen.

    7. When all items are deleted, the Temp folder will be empty.

This will complete the update of your Treo 700w to version 1.22. You can uninstall the desktop updater from your Windows PC.

This is document atvd in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-07 17:17:13.