ARCHIVED: Using Oncourse Wiki, how do I add or edit a comment on a page?

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To leave a comment on a wiki page, at the bottom of the page, click Add Comment or Be the first to comment. In the box that appears, type your comment, and then click Save. Your comment will appear at the bottom of the page preceded by your name and the time and date you posted your comment.

If you click the Comment link next to an existing comment, your comment will appear below the first comment, indented to the right, similar to a threaded discussion view.

To edit your comment, click Edit. In the box that appears, make your changes, and then click Save.

You cannot delete a comment, but you can click Edit and then erase the text. The "Comment" line will remain even though the text is gone.

This is document ausx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 15:48:55.