ARCHIVED: In Oncourse CL, how do I submit final grades for combined course sites?

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If you used the Combine Rosters tool in Site Setup to combine several sections you're teaching into a single parent site, you won't be able to submit final grades from that parent site. The Official Final Grades tool does not appear in combined course sites. It is available only from official course sites (i.e., sections) created from registrar data.

Therefore, to use the Official Final Grades tool to submit final grades for a combined course site, you must navigate to each individual site and access the tool from the menubar. For more information, see ARCHIVED: Using Oncourse CL Official Final Grades, how do I submit final grades?. (You will need to repeat this process for each section that's part of your combined course site.)

Note: If you used the Gradebook in your combined course site, the Official Final Grades tool will allow you to import course grades from the Gradebook. To do so, choose Yes, I used the Oncourse CL gradebook and I want to import the Course Grade.

This is document avay in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 15:43:16.