ARCHIVED: Project: HRMS/SIS PeopleSoft application releases

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Primary UITS contacts: Sandy Thompson and Kevin Eder

Last update: April 15, 2009

Description: This project will apply application updates to Oracle's PeopleSoft product for Campus Solutions Version 9.0. PeopleSoft delivers the HRMS and SIS applications used by administrators, students, and faculty. Application updates include regulatory changes such as Financial Aid Regulations and payroll tax updates, and enhancements and bug fixes. Major application patch releases are scheduled to occur four times per year, with two additional patch releases scheduled for payroll tax updates. These releases are scheduled based on the needs of functional business units. When application updates are applied to the product, IU customizations are analyzed for impact and reworked as part of the patch implementation cycle. Updates to the PeopleSoft technical environment (PeopleTools) are scheduled on an as-needed basis.

Outcome: The HRMS/SIS system will be updated with application patches on a regular schedule to meet the needs of business units for regulatory maintenance and to keep the application functioning at an optimal level.

Milestones and status: The HRMS, SIS, and IPS teams schedule regular releases to the production environment. Releases include patches, updates, and fixes (PUFs), reworked customizations that are impacted by patches, and new customizations from each group's project plan, and are driven by patch availability dates and business need. Six releases are planned for calendar year 2009.

Releases for 2009

02-28-09 SIS
CS Bundle 11, FA Regs 2 (2009/2010) to PS1PRD
05-30-09 HRMS/SIS
HRMS PUFs (11-01-08 through 3-31-09), TAX updates 09-A, 09-B to PS1PRD, CS Bundle 12, FA Regs 3 (2009/2010) to PS1PRD
06-25-09 HRMS
Tax update 09-C only (as weekly move)
08-01-09 SIS
CS Bundle 13, FA Regs 4 (2009/2010) to PS1PRD
12-05-09 HRMS/SIS
CS Bundles 14, 15, FA Reg 1 (2010/2011) to PS1PRD, HRMS PUF through 11-06-09, tax updates 09-D, 09-E
Tax update 09-F as weekly move (after biweekly payroll close on 12/18 and before monthly close on 12/28)

Comment process: Send comments to the SIS Technical Account.

Risks: Changes to the application could introduce problems in application behavior. The release schedule for the implementation of patches and new functionality must include adequate time for testing by technical and functional users to mitigate this risk.

Primary client: Students, faculty, and staff who use the HRMS/SIS system

Client impact: Depending on the nature of the patches, clients could experience changes in both the user interface and program functionality.

Project team: The HRMS, SIS, and IPS teams perform the technical tasks to implement patches. Representatives from HRMS and SIS functional areas are responsible for testing, validation, and sign-off of releases.

Governance: The SIS and HRMS executive committees govern the activities associated with each release, as well as the establishment of release dates. The HRMS and SIS development teams and system managers from each area (Human Resources, Payroll, Benefits, Academic Advising, Admissions, Financial Aid, Student Financials, Student Records, and Student Self-Service) manage the planning and implementation of each release.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 15:40:37.