About website redirects

On this page:

Best practice

Redirecting users and search engines from a page's previous URL to its current URL should be handled with an .htaccess file on the server, rather than in the client via JavaScript or an HTML meta refresh tag.

If content has moved permanently, use an HTTP 301 redirect. If it has moved temporarily, use an HTTP 302 redirect.

IU Web Framework note: The IU Web Framework supports handling redirects at the .htaccess file level.


There is currently no IU policy governing the use of website redirects.


Using the proper redirects ensures that both your users and search engines can find your site's content in a timely manner.

Client-side redirects have drawbacks: not all browsers support them, they short-circuit the browser's back button, and they make it more difficult for search engines to recognize the changes you've made to your site's content.

More information

This is document awon in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-07-17 14:53:13.