Administrative access to IU Expand

UITS grants access to administrative tools within IU Expand to people who provide support to the Indiana University campus community. A school, department, or unit can designate administrators to provide support for its Expand listings. The designated administrators should apply for administrative access and renew the application annually.

  • Before applying for or renewing administrative access, you'll need to complete the Acceptable Use Agreement and FERPA tutorial.
  • If you no longer require your administrative access (for example, you are changing positions or leaving the university), you must email eLearning Design & Services Help at

To apply for administrative access, complete and submit the Expand Administrator User Agreement. A copy of your application will be forwarded to your supervisor for approval. If approved, your request will then be forwarded to the Expand administrators for final approval.

When your administrative rights have been applied to your account, you will receive email confirmation.

If you have questions or need help with your application, email the UITS Support Center.

This is document axmk in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-01-03 10:48:48.