ARCHIVED: Petascale computing on the TeraGrid: Enabling Earthquake System Science Through Petascale Calculations (PetaShake)

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Note: The project described in this document is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) to use TeraGrid's petascale environments for highly advanced scientific analysis and simulations that advance the frontiers of scientific and engineering research. For more, see ARCHIVED: Petascale computing on the TeraGrid.

This project focuses on the development of PetaShake, an advanced computational research platform designed to support high-resolution earthquake simulations on a regional scale. The resulting cyberinfrastructure and simulation results are used by the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) community and its partners in earthquake engineering and disaster management.

PetaShake extends two high-performance, open-source scientific modeling codes (the finite-difference Olsen code and the finite-element Hercules code) toward petascale capability. These codes scale efficiently on thousands of processors, and are widely applied to wave propagation simulations, dynamic fault rupture studies, physics-based seismic hazard analysis, and full 3D tomography.

For more, see award abstract #0749313 on the National Science Foundation (NSF) web site..

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 16:13:09.