ARCHIVED: Petascale computing on the TeraGrid: Multigrid QCD at the Petascale

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Note: The project described in this document is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) to use TeraGrid's petascale environments for highly advanced scientific analysis and simulations that advance the frontiers of scientific and engineering research. For more, see ARCHIVED: Petascale computing on the TeraGrid.

This project is working to develop new, robust multigrid methods for enabling more complex and higher fidelity physics for lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) calculations, and to support their migration into petascale simulations.

Numerical solutions to QCD on a lattice are critical to high-precision experimental tests of the standard model and an ab initio understanding of nuclear matter. The core of these calculations involves inverting a Dirac matrix, which becomes increasingly ill-conditioned as the lattice is refined. Consequently, while terascale computing hardware has exposed this new physics, it is incapable of fully accommodating it.

For more, see award abstracts #0749202 and #0749317 on the National Science Foundation (NSF) web site.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 15:57:57.