ARCHIVED: Petascale computing on the TeraGrid: High Performance Neural Computing

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Note: The project described in this document is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Cyberinfrastructure (OCI) to use TeraGrid's petascale environments for highly advanced scientific analysis and simulations that advance the frontiers of scientific and engineering research. For more, see ARCHIVED: Petascale computing on the TeraGrid.

This project is developing tools for electrophysiologically realistic simulations of large areas of mammalian cortex using modern computers with many thousands of (hetero- or homogeneous) processors.

The researchers are using genetic programming techniques to evolve models of primary and secondary visual cortical areas in order to solve difficult image processing tasks (e.g., image segmentation).

The researchers hope to understand the structure of computations performed by the brain (i.e., its computational primitives), and discover the level of biological detail that's necessary and sufficient for such computations.

For more, see award abstracts #0749157 and #0749348 on the National Science Foundation (NSF) web site.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 16:08:26.