ARCHIVED: How can I use my Meridian business set as an intercom?

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If you have a Meridian business set (M5312 or M5316), you can use the Two-Party Intercom and Group Intercom features, which allow you to quickly connect to pre-designated phone numbers.

On this page:

Two-Party Intercom

Two-Party Intercom allows you to speak to another person through the speaker of the set. This feature works only between two pre-designated business sets.

To place a Two-Party Intercom call:

  1. Lift the handset or press Handsfree.
  2. Press the Intercom button.
  3. Listen for the ringing tone, then silence.
  4. Begin speaking. To end the call, press RLS or hang up the handset.

To receive a Two-Party Intercom call when your line is free:

  1. When your phone rings, press the Intercom button and begin speaking.
  2. To end the call, press RLS or hang up the handset.

To receive a Two-Party Intercom call while you are on your line:

  1. When you hear a burst of tone, and the diamond beside the Intercom button begins flashing, press the Intercom button and begin speaking. Your original call is automatically placed on hold.
  2. To return to your original call, press the number button by the flashing diamond.

Press the Hold button to place a Two-Party Intercom call on hold; you can then resume your conversation with the original caller by pressing the number button with the flashing diamond. Afterward, return to your intercom call by pressing the Intercom button.

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Group Intercom

With Group Intercom, you can place and receive calls between group members using a one-, two-, or three-digit code.

To place a Group Intercom call:

  1. Lift the handset or press Handsfree.
  2. Press the Group Intercom button.
  3. Dial the one-, two-, or three-digit code of the telephone number you want to reach.

    Note: At IUB, group intercom codes are only one or two digits.

  4. Press the Group Intercom button a second time to automatically connect to the other person's business set speaker.
  5. Begin your conversation. To end the call, press RLS or hang up the handset.

To receive a Group Intercom call:

  1. When you hear ringing, press the Group Intercom button.
  2. Lift the handset or press Handsfree, and begin your conversation.
  3. To end the call, press RLS or hang up the handset.

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 16:17:14.