ARCHIVED: In SPSS, how do I create binary or dummy variables from an existing string variable?

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When you have an existing string variable and want to create binary, or dummy, variables from it, use the COMPUTE command or RECODE with ELSE. Suppose a string variable internet has three values, Email, WWW, and SFTP:

COMPUTE email = (internet='Email').
COMPUTE www = (internet='WWW').
COMPUTE sftp = (internet='SFTP').

SPSS sets 1 to a new variable email if the value of internet is Email, and 0 otherwise. The other dummy variables www and sftp are generated in a similar manner. Also, you may use RECODE as follows:

RECODE internet ('Email'=1) (ELSE=0) INTO email.
RECODE internet ('WWW'=1) (ELSE=0) INTO www.
RECODE internet ('SFTP'=1) (ELSE=0) INTO sftp.

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Last modified on 2023-05-09 14:42:22.