Verify that your computer's whole-disk encryption is enabled
- BitLocker: To verify your disk is encrypted using BitLocker, open the control panel (located under "System and Security" when the Control Panel is set to Category view). You should see your computer's hard drive (usually "drive C"), and the window will indicate whether BitLocker is on or off. You'll also see an option to turn BitLocker on or off, depending on its current status.
- FileVault: To verify your disk is encrypted, from the Apple menu, select Note:This pertains only to the version of FileVault included in macOS. Earlier versions of FileVault were unable to encrypt the entire disk (they encrypted only your home directory).
. Then, from the menu in System Preferences, select , and then the tab. This will indicate whether or not FileVault is turned on for your hard disk.
This is document bavx in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-07 15:53:39.