ARCHIVED: Using Blackboard at IU, how can I manage users and sites?

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To add someone who's not on the official roster to your course site, or to add users to a practice course site, see Blackboard's Managing Users.


  • Before creating a new user to add to your site, check to make sure the person doesn't already have a Blackboard account; see the "How to Find Users to Enroll" section in the link above.
  • When creating new Blackboard accounts for Indiana University faculty, staff, and students, the Blackboard username should be the same as the person's IU username. When creating accounts for non-IU users, use the person's email address as the username. When creating secondary accounts for IU users, use a secondary email address as the Blackboard username.
  • You cannot remove users from a class; this functionality has been disabled to prevent the deletion of student data. Instead of removing a user, change the setting for that person from available to unavailable. If changing the settings are insufficient for your situation, contact your campus Support Center.
  • If you want to combine two or more sections into one class, contact your campus teaching and learning center.

This is document bdit in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-09-22 17:20:16.