About Jetstream2

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Jetstream2 is a user-friendly cloud computing environment for researchers and educators that is designed to simplify data analysis, boost discovery, and increase availability of AI resources. Jetstream2 provides infrastructure for gateways and other "always on" services, and provides researchers with on-demand access to interactive computing and data analysis resources.

Jetstream2 builds on the successes of the previous Jetstream project while providing a broader range of hardware and services, including GPUs, large memory nodes, virtual clustering, programmable cyberinfrastructure with OpenStack Heat and Terraform, and many other features. Jetstream2 features the Exosphere web-based, on-demand environment, which strives to be the most user-friendly interface for research clouds. The operational software environment is based on the OpenStack cloud operating system.

Jetstream2's primary system is located at Indiana University, with four regional systems deployed at Arizona State University, Cornell University, the University of Hawai'i, and the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC). For more, see Jetstream2 System Overview.

Jetstream2 is not a high performance computing (HPC) environment appropriate for large-scale parallel processing or high-throughput computing (HTC). It is intended primarily as a resource for performing interactive, smaller-scale, on-demand processing, as an infrastructure for scientific research and computing, and as a back-end for science gateways that either compute locally on Jetstream2 or route jobs to other HPC or HTC systems. The Jetstream2 environment is particularly useful for prototyping tailored workflows that can run on smaller-scale systems or be ported to larger environments.

Jetstream2 allocations

Access to Jetstream2 is available only through Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support (ACCESS) allocations. To use Jetstream2, you must be on a valid allocation or the principal investigator (PI) of a valid allocation. Allocations are awarded exclusively through ACCESS. For more, see Jetstream2 Allocations Overview.

Get help

IU researchers who need help or have questions about preparing a successful Jetstream2 allocation request can contact IU Jetstream2 support.

For more, see the Jetstream2 website and the Jetstream2 documentation.

This document was developed with support from National Science Foundation (NSF) grants OAC-2005506 and OCI-1053575. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.

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Last modified on 2024-07-16 16:54:22.