ARCHIVED: Legacy MySQL for Webserve first-time setup guide

This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.
This content has been archived, and is no longer maintained by Indiana University. Information here may no longer be accurate, and links may no longer be available or reliable.
The Legacy MySQL for Webserve environment has been discontinued for most users, and will be completely retired July 31, 2018. If you have a Legacy MySQL account, you should migrate your service to the New MySQL for Webserve environment before that date. For more, see ARCHIVED: Migrate from Legacy to MySQL for Webserve service.
The Webserve and Webtest servers use PHP 7.1; PHP 5.6 has been retired and is no longer available. For more about PHP at IU, see PHP server-side scripting language.

Although Legacy MySQL for Webserve accounts are no longer being created, this information is being made available for users who may have a Legacy account and need to configure their account in the future. When your MySQL account is ready, Web Services Support will contact you with a port number and root password for your production and test MySQL accounts. Once you have this information, follow the steps below to set up your account for use. For more about creating a MySQL account, see ARCHIVED: Legacy MySQL for Webserve user guide.

  1. Log into your MySQL account and start your MySQL server.
    For this step, you will need to use an SSH command line client, such as PuTTY (Windows) or Terminal (Mac). Terminal is part of the Mac OS and does not require a download; you can get PuTTY from IUware.

    To connect to your MySQL account, open your SSH client and specify the following:

     Host Name: (or if connecting to your test account) Username: same as your Webserve account username Password: same as your Webserve account passphrase

    Following are screenshots of the process for PuTTY and Terminal. If you are using another SSH client, consult its documentation.

    • Using PuTTY:
      1. Open PuTTY and fill in the hostname, and then click Open.
        PuTTY Configuration screen
      2. Next to "login as:", type your MySQL account name and press Enter. You will receive an "Access denied" message and a prompt to enter your password. The screen will not change and the cursor will not move when you enter your password, but the window is accepting your input.
        MySQL login prompts in   PuTTY
      3. Once you have logged in successfully, type the following command to start your server:
        janus:account> cmd_mysql start
        MySQL start command
      4. You should see several messages indicating the progress of the server starting. You may close the program.
        MySQL server progress   messages
    • Using Terminal:
      1. Open Terminal and type the following command, replacing accountname with your actual MySQL account name:
        MySQL login screen
      2. After hitting Return (Enter), you will be prompted for your password. The screen will not change and the cursor will not move as you enter your password, but the window is accepting your input.
        MySQL password prompt
      3. Once you have logged in successfully, type the following command to start your server:
        janus:account> cmd_mysql start
        Command to start MySQL server
      4. You should see several messages indicating the progress of the server starting. You may close the program.
        MySQL server progress messages
  2. Log into your Webserve account and install phpMyAdmin.
    1. Open your SSH command line client of choice and log into your Webserve account. For detailed instructions on connecting to Webserve, see ARCHIVED: Publish to Webserve.
    2. phpMyAdmin must be installed within the wwws directory. To move into your wwws directory, type the following command:
      webserve:account> cd wwws

      If your account does not have a wwws directory, refer to the Secure WWW server for information on creating this necessary directory.

    3. Install phpMyAdmin by typing the following:
      webserve:account> install_phpmyadmin

      The phpMyAdmin directory is CAS protected, using your Webserve account credentials. Be sure to log in to phpMyAdmin with your Webserve username and passphrase, not your personal credentials.

      At this point you may close the SSH client.

    4. You will need to edit the file before running phpMyAdmin. Using Siteshare or your preferred SFTP program, log into your Webserve account and locate the file to edit it. The path to the file should be wwws/phpmyadmin/
      If you are unfamiliar with SFTP, see ARCHIVED: Publish to Webserve for information on SFTP connections to Webserve using WinSCP (Windows) or Cyberduck (Mac), or contact Web Services Support for further assistance.

      As you edit the file, make sure lines do not wrap as a result of your edits. If you notice the line wraps as you enter information, correct the line so that it does not wrap.

      Below is the section of the file that you need to edit in order to establish a database connection. Replace username with root, and port number and password with the port number and password provided to you by Web Services Support at account creation.

       $cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = ''; // MySQL hostname $cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = 'port number'; // MySQL port $cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type']= 'tcp'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = false; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; $cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = 'username'; // MySQL user $cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = 'password'; // MySQL password 

      By default, the file has three blocks: one for connecting to the MySQL production server (, one for connecting to the test MySQL server (, and a blank one. The test server and blank ones are commented out; if you wish to establish connections beyond the first block, you will need to remove the // tags. Below is an example of the block with the comment tags still present.

       //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = '';//MySQL hostname //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql'; //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type']= 'tcp'; //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE; //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = ''; // MySQL user //$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = ''; // MySQL password 

      If you edited the file directly on the server, be sure to save your changes. If you downloaded the file to edit it, be sure to save your changes AND upload the newly edited file.

  3. Create MySQL user(s) and assign privileges using phpMyAdmin.
    You should not use the root MySQL username to make a connection from your web applications, since this allows the application to do anything to any of your databases, even delete them entirely. It is also a security risk. Other MySQL users with reduced privileges granted to them should be created instead.
    1. Log into phpMyAdmin using the following address, replacing account with your Webserve account name (leave the tilde):
    2. Once you've logged in, click the Users tab in the top row of your dashboard.
      phpMyAdmin dashboard
    3. On the "Users overview" page, click the Add user link below your user list.
      phpMyAdmin Users overview page
    4. Fill out the "Add user" page as desired, and click the Go button at the bottom right. The screenshot below is an example of how one might fill out this page; the value in the "Host" field is what one would enter to allow the new user to connect to MySQL from Webserve:
      phpMyAdmin Add user page
  4. Your account is now ready for use.

    You may make database connections in your web applications using the username/password combination(s) you set in the step above. You may also perform further database administration tasks in phpMyAdmin, such as creating and deleting databases and tables, changing user passwords and privileges, etc.

This is document bfpd in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-09-08 10:18:37.