Accessibility in facilities

On this page:

Facility physical design

Following are requirements to ensure accessible facilities:

  • If your unit has a reception or customer service area that includes a service counter, the counter should include an accessible service point for a person in a wheelchair. Either find an alternative point of service or modify the counter to meet ADA requirements.
  • Service animals must be permitted in all areas except in unusual circumstances.

Report an issue

If you need assistance or wish to file a complaint, you may contact the Office of Institutional Equity:

Phone: 812-855-7559

In case of evacuation

Make sure that evacuation plans are posted with your unit's space and include information for persons with disabilities. Ensure that evacuation procedures, including procedures for persons with disabilities, are posted. Train building supervisors and safety personnel to provide appropriate assistance when needed. This should include the use of stair evacuation sleds and similar equipment.

Staff responsibilities

Provide staff training on how to assist people with disabilities:

  • Train staff to explain services to customers.
  • Assign responsibility for assisting persons with disabilities to an individual in your unit as part of their regular duties.
  • Seek specialized training for this person if necessary.
  • Ensure that trained staff is available during hours that services are provided.
  • Staff needs to be knowledgeable on the location of the nearest reserved parking spaces, disability access with curb cuts to the door, wheelchair-accessible elevators, drinking fountains, and restrooms.

This is document bgzf in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2021-07-08 15:24:58.