Remove people from your Canvas course in bulk

There may be occasions when you want to remove several, many, or even all of the users in your course at once. Since Canvas doesn't allow users to be removed in bulk via the user interface, Indiana University has developed a custom Bulk Remove Users tool for this purpose. Only course instructors and Canvas admins can use this tool.

  • You cannot use Bulk Remove Users to remove yourself from a course.
  • SIS enrollments cannot be removed with this tool. You can, however, use it to remove:
    • People added manually to an SIS course section
    • People added to an ad-hoc (non-SIS) section in an SIS course
    • People added to any section in a non-credit (non-SIS) course

The Bulk Remove Users app is located in the Canvas People tool. To launch and use the app:

  1. In Canvas, navigate to the course where you want to remove users.
  2. In the course navigation menu, select People. The Canvas People tool will open.
  3. In the People tool, select Bulk Remove Users. Allow time for the tool to build the roster of eligible enrollments. In larger classes, this can take a minute or two.
    • People enrolled in more than one section or with more than one role per section may appear more than once.
    • Use Filter by Role and Filter by Section to limit the number of users displayed. You may also combine options from both filter groups.
    • Once a filter is selected, people will display sorted by name (Last, First) in ascending order. Select the column heading you want to sort on; select the heading a second time to switch between ascending and descending order.
  4. To remove users, check the boxes for individuals you wish to remove. If you wish to remove everyone meeting your filter criteria, select the check box in the column headers. The page will refresh to show all users are selected. You may deselect a check box to leave a user in the course, but remove all others selected. If you're not happy with your selections, select the checkbox in the column heading until all users previously selected are no longer selected.
  5. When you've finished making selections, select Remove Selected Users.
  6. A confirmation pop-up will appear. Select Yes, remove to complete the action, or Cancel to return to the main screen.

A green confirmation message will appear when all of the selected users have been removed from the course.

This is document bhlt in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-13 10:12:19.