Manually enter Kaltura quiz grades into Canvas

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In some cases, Kaltura quiz grades may not automatically transfer to Canvas. Some reasons may include failed service, improper assignment configuration, or when the Assignment module is not used. See below for instructions on how to find quiz grades in Kaltura and enter them manually into your Canvas course.

Find quiz grades in Kaltura

To find quiz grades in Kaltura:

  1. Open Canvas.
  2. On the left, in the "Global Navigation Bar", select Kaltura: My Media.
  3. In "My Media", locate the quiz, and then select the video.
  4. Select Actions, and then choose Analytics.
  5. Select the Quiz Users tab to display a list of students that completed the quiz and their quiz scores. To view the scores in a CSV file, select Download CSV.

For more, see Quiz Reporting and Analytics.

Enter grades into Canvas manually

To enter grades into Canvas manually:

  1. Go to the Canvas course you want to manually enter grades for.
  2. In the drop-down menu for the course, select Grades.
  3. Locate the student assignment, and then enter the grade in the field next to the student's name.

For more, see Things to know before you grade in Canvas.

This is document bift in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-03-07 15:52:47.