About the Frame.io pilot at IU

On this page:


Frame.io is a cloud-based collaboration platform designed for video creators and teams working on video production projects. It serves as a centralized hub for sharing, reviewing, and commenting on video content in real time. Frame.io provides security and privacy controls to ensure that only the appropriate users have access to collaborate, using time-stamped comments, threaded replies, and annotations. Frame.io supports integration with other creative tools such as Premiere Pro CC, After Effects CC, and Final Cut Pro X to facilitate video collaboration workflows.

Sign up for the pilot

To join the pilot, go to Next.IU and select Join a Next.IU pilot. Fill in your information, and select Frame.io from the "Sign up for a pilot" drop-down menu. Choose Submit, and the Next team will be in contact with you.

Learn more

This is document bilh in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-08-23 12:14:27.