Use the EBSCO LTI tool in Canvas

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The EBSCO LTI tool replaces Reading Lists in Canvas. The Reading Lists tool was retired in summer 2024.

The EBSCO LTI tool allows instructors to create and manage course reading lists by searching library resources within Canvas and adding readings to their course. As an external tool in Canvas, ESBCO LTI lets instructors search EBSCO databases for high-quality content, both scholarly and popular, to add to their courses. Instructors can add readings from EBSCO databases directly into their Canvas modules.

Add readings from the EBSCO LTI tool

Instructors may add readings through the EBSCO tool to a Canvas site. To do so:

  1. In the Canvas site, choose the module you'd like to add the reading.
  2. Select the + (plus sign) button at the top of the module.
  3. Choose External Tool from the drop-down menu.
  4. Scroll down to and select EBSCO Library Resources.
  5. Select which EBSCO databases you would like to search in. (Note: if specifically adding readings from an ebook, scroll down to the eBook Collection.)
  6. Find readings you would like to add by searching the databases.
  7. Add selected readings by selecting the green Add button next to the title.

To specify page ranges, add that information in the page name field before adding the item to the module.

Get help

Instructors who wish to add the EBSCO LTI tool to manually created courses may email the UITS Support Center and request their course be moved to a campus node where the tool is available. Instructors should provide the Canvas URL of the course and the Canvas subaccount where instructors need the course moved. For example, if an instructor from IU Bloomington wishes to add this tool to a manually created course, they'd request the course be moved to the IU-BL subaccount.

Instructors can find more information about the EBSCO tool from their campus library. For an FAQ about this tool, see the vendor's documentation.

This is document bjag in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-18 12:12:18.