Fill out or correct errors on your IU employee timesheet

Access Timekeeping

You have multiple options for accessing the Timekeeping system:

  • Go to Timekeeping.
  • Via kiosk: Departments not using PCs will use kiosks (computers dedicated to the Timekeeping system) equipped with card readers. Swipe your ID card at the login screen. If you have card problems or the kiosk isn't equipped with a card reader, select Login on the screen and log in with your username and password.
  • Via IU Mobile: Hourly employees will see the Kuali Time feature on both the Home screen and the More tab in IU Mobile. The Home screen widget will show whether you are clocked in or out; tap Kuali Time to access Timekeeping.

Clock in and out

To clock in or out using Timekeeping:

  1. On the "Clock" section of your timesheet, select the appropriate assignment from the drop-down menu, if applicable (there is no drop-down menu if you have only one assignment available), and then select Clock in or Clock out.
    All clock actions are rounded to the nearest tenth of an hour.
  2. Once you are clocked in or out, select Logout at the top right of the page and close the browser window.

To clock in or out using IU Mobile:

  1. Tap the Kuali Time feature. On the "Kuali Time" page, select the appropriate assignment from the drop-down menu; to leave a note for your supervisor, tap Add note.
  2. Tap Clock in or Clock out.

Fix mistakes

Forgot to clock in or out

If you forgot to clock in or out, submit a missed punch document (MPD); you can submit one MPD per time block, but not for a time block more than 24 hours in the past.

To submit a missed punch document using Timekeeping:

  1. On the "Clock" section, select Missed Punch.
  2. Select the appropriate assignment from the drop-down list, if applicable (there is no drop-down if you have only one assignment available).
  3. In the "Missed Action Date" field, enter the date of your missed punch. (The format is MM/DD/YYYY.)
  4. In the "Missed Action Time" field, enter the time of your missed punch. (The format is HH:MM followed by a space, and then AM or PM. For example, 07:20 AM.)
    The "Missed Clock Action" field already shows the clock action you missed.
  5. If applicable, enter a note to explain why you missed clocking in or out.
  6. Select Submit.
  7. After the document closes, select Close.
  8. "Work Status on Clock" updates with the clock action. Resume normal clocking.
    For any other corrections to your timesheet, contact your supervisor.

To submit a missed punch document in Kuali Time in IU Mobile:

  1. Tap Missed Punch.
  2. Select the appropriate assignment from the "Assignment" drop-down list. From the "Action" drop-down list, choose either Clock in or Clock out.
  3. Use the selectors for the "Missed punch date" and "Missed punch time" fields to enter the time and date of the missed punch. This cannot be more than 24 hours in the past, or before a previous clock action.
  4. Use the "Explanation" field to communicate the reason for the missed punch.
  5. Tap Submit.

Clocked in on the wrong job assignment

If you clock in on the wrong job assignment, continue working and clock out at the end of your work period. Then, move the time block you recorded over to the correct job assignment.

  1. Go to the Time Detail tab and find the time block you need to change.
  2. In that time block, select the underlined assignment name.
  3. In the resulting window's "Assignment:" drop-down menu, select the assignment you actually worked.
  4. Select Update.
  5. Verify that time blocks are correct in the "Summary" section.

Add time manually (asynchronously)

Part-time employees cannot add time manually or edit time blocks. Contact your supervisor for assistance.
  1. Select a day on the pay period calendar to enter time.
  2. "Add Time Blocks" will open.
    • Enter a date range to enter more than one day of PTO or sick time.
    • If the entry is for an overnight shift (for example, 11:00 PM to 2:00 AM), change the date in the second "Date range:" field to the next day, and uncheck Apply time to each day.
  3. From the drop-down lists, select an assignment and an earn code. If you only have one assignment, you will not have the option to select another.
  4. Enter in and out times. Otherwise, enter total hours when prompted. The earn code selected determines which you enter.
  5. Select Add. The time block will display on your calendar.

To edit a time block, select the underlined assignment name to reopen the "Add Time Blocks" entry box, enter your corrections, and then select Update.

To delete a time block, select the red X in the corner.

Once the pay period ends (Saturday at midnight), you can make changes to your timesheet before your supervisor has approved it; after approval, your supervisor must enter any corrections.

This is document dfhb in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-13 09:59:15.