About the Language Markup Bookmarklet in Canvas and Pressbooks

On this page:


Following are instructions for setting up and using the Language Markup Bookmarklet in Canvas and Pressbooks. This tool helps create accessible content by using HTML markup to indicate the human language of text used on a web page. Language markup helps ensure that special characters and scripts display correctly on the page, and that assistive technologies (such as text-to-speech software and screen readers) can accurately pronounce the text.

For more information about human language markup, see Use HTML markup to indicate the human language of text and the relevant web standards:

Save and activate the bookmarklet

A bookmarklet is a piece of code that is placed inside a browser so that when you select the bookmark, instead of going to a new site, the code is activated on the page.

To save the bookmarklet:

  1. Make sure your web browser's bookmarks toolbar is visible. For example, in Chrome, you can toggle the bookmarks bar on and off using shortcut keys:
    • In Windows, Linux, and Chrome OS, press Ctrl-Shift-B.
    • In macOS, press Command-Shift-B.
  2. Drag the following bookmarklet link from this page to your web browser's bookmarks toolbar: Edit Language Markup.
  3. The bookmark should appear on toolbar; if you want to rename it, right-click it, and then choose Edit or Rename.

You can activate the Language Markup Ribbon from any page with an open Canvas Rich Content Editor or Pressbooks page editor by selecting the bookmarklet in your browser's bookmarks toolbar. The ribbon will appear near the top of the RCE and looks like this:

Language Markup Ribbon with buttons for marking common languages, setting the default language, viewing the language markup, deleting markup, and deleting all markup

Set the default language

The default language is the language that will be applied to any unmarked text on the page. Setting the default language ensures that any unmarked text will be pronounced correctly. The default language only needs to be applied once to each page.

To set the default language:

  1. In the Language Markup Ribbon, select Set default lang.
  2. In the pop-up that appears, select your default language for the page, and then select OK.

    If you cannot find the language or dialect that you are seeking, the default language tag will need to be entered manually. Email atac@iu.edu for help.

  3. When you are finished making changes, save your work by selecting Save in the page editor.

Mark the language of a text passage

To mark text as a certain language:

  1. In the page editor, highlight the text you want to mark.
  2. In the Language Markup Ribbon, select the appropriate language button. If the language you need isn't displayed, see Configure language buttons below.
  3. The markup will be inserted. To see the markup, in the Language Markup Ribbon, select View lang markup; to stop displaying the markup, select View lang markup again.
  4. When you are finished, save your work by selecting Save in the page editor.

Configure language buttons

You can select which language buttons are displayed on the Language Markup toolbar, but you must reconfigure these each time you open the page editor.

To choose your languages:

  1. In the Language Markup Ribbon, select ?? (the double question mark button).
  2. Select the language you need from the drop-down, and then select OK. The abbreviation for the language will display in the ribbon.

    If you can't find a particular language or dialect, the language tag will need to be entered manually. Email atac@iu.edu for help.

  3. When you are finished, save your work by selecting Save in the page editor.

Show language markup

To proofread and edit the language markup, select View lang markup in the Language Markup Ribbon. Language markup will be displayed in the page editor; each language will be displayed in format [lang]marked_text[/lang]. Default language markup will appear at the beginning and end of page content. To stop displaying the markup, select View lang markup again. (This does not remove the markup that has been applied).

Remove language markup

You can remove language markup from specific text or from the entire page:

  • To remove markup from specific text, in the page editor, place your cursor inside the marked up text (you do not need to highlight the text in the markup), and then, in the Language Markup Ribbon, select Remove Current Lang. The markup will be removed; you can inspect this change by displaying the language markup or by viewing the tags in the HTML editor.
  • To remove all language markup from the entire page, in the Language Markup Ribbon, select Remove All Lang Markup, and then, when prompted to confirm removal of all language markup from the document, select OK. All markup will be removed from the document; you can inspect this change by displaying the language markup or by viewing the tags in the HTML editor.

When you are finished making changes, save your work by selecting Save in the page editor.

This is document lngm in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-19 16:57:11.