ARCHIVED: About distribution lists

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A distribution list, or mailing list, is a collection of email addresses that allows you to email multiple people at once. A distribution list can contain a few addresses, or many.

All email systems at Indiana University provide ways to create, manage, and send to distribution lists, but the available commands, options, and capacities vary on each system; see Email large groups of people at IU. Lists housed on specific systems are unavailable for shared use on other systems.

IU List is a system-independent distribution list management system available to all email systems at IU. With IU List, you can create a distribution list and configure it to allow others to send messages to your list, regardless of the email system they use. See IU List, distribution lists, and mass mailing.

This is document afgs in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-05-31 14:25:42.