ARCHIVED: At IU, using Windows, how can I access shared resources on other Windows computers?

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Note: For information on setting up sharing in Windows Vista, XP, or 2000, see Share a folder, drive, or printer on the network in Windows

To access shared resources on Windows computers, first make sure that your computer is set up correctly, with the correct WINS servers specified (see ARCHIVED: At IUB or IUPUI, what information will I need to configure my Internet software?). If the computer is connected to the Indiana University network using either a direct Ethernet connection or a PPP connection via modem, you can connect to shared hard drives or printers using the following methods:

Using the command line

  1. In Windows 7 and Vista, from the Start menu, click the search field, and then type cmd.

    In XP, from the Start menu, choose Run.... Type cmd, and then click OK.

  2. Enter two backslashes followed by the name of the computer to which you wish to connect. For example, if the NetBIOS name of the remote computer is POTATO, then enter:

    Note: The above command is not case sensitive.

    If you know the name of the share on the remote computer, you can enter the UNC path to that share. For example, the UNC path to a share called C-DRIVE on a computer named POTATO would be:

  3. The computer should appear in the window. Double-click the computer's icon. A window will open, showing the shared folders and printers (i.e., shares) available on the computer. If you double-click a share, you may be asked to log in.

Mapping a drive letter

Once you have made shared drives or folders visible, you can open them or explore them like any other folder. You can also map them to drive letters which, while convenient for all other purposes, is necessary only when you wish to run 16-bit Windows or DOS applications from that drive. To map to a drive letter:

  1. Right-click a shared drive or folder, and then select Map Network Drive....
  2. Check the box marked Reconnect at Logon to have your computer attempt to connect to the share on the remote computer whenever you log into your computer.
  3. Choose a drive letter and folder, and then click OK or Finish.

Note: UITS recommends that you use a current version of Windows on computers connected to the Indiana University network; see Recommended Windows operating systems at IU.

This is document agmy in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:26:26.