ARCHIVED: In Outlook Express for Windows, how can I copy a distribution list to a mail application on a different Windows computer?

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To copy distribution lists (groups) from your Outlook Express address book for use on another Windows computer, first export a list or contact from Outlook Express, and then import the list into another mail application.

From Outlook Express, you can export a distribution list to two different file formats: .wab and .csv. To import the list into Windows Live Mail 2011 or another instance of Outlook Express, export to a .wab file. To import the list into Outlook, export to a .csv file.

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Exporting .wab files

  1. In Outlook Express, from the Tools menu, select Address Book....
  2. In the address book window, from the File menu, choose Export, and then Address Book (WAB)....
  3. Browse to the desired location and save the file (e.g., backup.wab), making sure you keep the .wab extension. Click Save.

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Exporting .csv files

Note: Outlook does not have a method of importing distribution lists from Outlook Express. The method of importing contacts in Outlook may require manually choosing fields to export or import. Additionally, the exported fields may not match corresponding fields in Outlook.

  1. In Outlook Express, from the Tools menu, click Address Book.
  2. In the dialog box that appears, click the folder containing the contacts you want to copy to Outlook. From the File menu, click Export, and then Other Address Book.
  3. Select Text File (Comma Separated Values) and give the file a name. Click Next and then Finish.

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Importing to Outlook Express

To import a .wab file to Outlook Express:

  1. Transfer the .wab file to the desired computer.
  2. Open Outlook Express, and then open the address book.
  3. From the File menu, select Import, and then Address Book (WAB)....
  4. Browse to and select the .wab file, and then click Open.

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Importing to Windows Live Mail 2011

Note: Windows Live Mail 2011 is the most current version of Windows Mail. Prior versions, which are not generally available, may have different import abilities.

To import a .wab file to Windows Live Mail 2011:

  1. Transfer the .wab file to the desired computer.
  2. Open Windows Live Mail 2011. In the bottom left, click Contacts.
  3. On the ribbon, click Import. Choose Windows Address Book (.WAB).
  4. Browse to and select the .wab file. Click Open.

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Importing to Outlook

To import a .csv file to Outlook:

  1. Transfer the .csv file to the desired computer.
  2. Open Outlook. From the File tab, click Open, and then Import.
  3. From the dialog box that appears, choose Import from another program or file.
  4. Select Comma Separated Values (Windows). Browse to and select the .csv file, and then click Next.
  5. Choose the destination folder (e.g., Contacts), and then either click Finish, or if you have fields from Outlook Express that don't match fields in Outlook, choose Map Custom Fields.

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This is document ajxv in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2018-01-18 12:56:38.