Work with channels in Kaltura MediaSpace

On this page:

About channels

In Kaltura MediaSpace, a channel is a collection of videos and other media that can be public or restricted in terms of who can view and contribute media to the channel. Channels are useful for aggregating a large number of videos on the same topic or theme, or for sharing a collection of similar or diverse videos with a specific audience.

Create a channel

To create a channel for your course:

  1. To log into Kaltura MediaSpace, select the Guest icon (Guest icon in MediaSpace or Guest button in MediaSpace).

  2. Select your name, and then select My Channels.
  3. Select Create Channel.
  4. In the "Name" field, enter a descriptive name for your channel. You may also add an optional description and keywords (that is, tags).
  5. Choose one of the following three privacy options:
    • Open: Select this option if you want other MediaSpace users to be able to see and contribute to the media in the channel.
    • Restricted: Select this option if you want other site users to be able to see the media in the channel. Only invited members can contribute. For instructions, see Adding users to a restricted or private channel, below.
    • Private: Select this option if you want access to the media in the channel to be restricted to specific users (for example, the students in your class). For instructions, see Adding users to a restricted or private channel, below.
  6. Review the following two channel options, and check the box(es) to enable them if you wish:
    • Moderate content: Select this option if you want to approve content uploaded by others before it is visible to users who can access the channel.
    • Enable comments in channel: Select this option if you want channel viewers to be able to attach comments to videos in the channel.
  7. To save your channel settings, select Save.

Add users to a restricted or private channel

For you to be able to add a user to a channel in MediaSpace, that user must already have a MediaSpace account. If you want to create a private channel for your class, instruct your students to log into MediaSpace at least once before you try to add them to your channel.

To add users to your channel:

  1. To log into Kaltura MediaSpace, select the Guest icon (Guest icon in MediaSpace or Guest button in MediaSpace).

  2. At the upper right, select your name, and then select My Channels.
  3. Locate the desired channel and select Edit.
  4. Select the Members tab.
  5. Select Add Member.
  6. In the "Add Member" dialog, enter the IU username of the person you want to add, and select one of the following roles:
    • Member: Can view channel content only
    • Contributor: Can view channel content and add media to the channel
    • Moderator: Can view channel content, add media to the channel, and moderate channel content
    • Manager: Can view channel content, add media to the channel, moderate channel content, and manage the channel (that is, delegate managerial rights to additional users)
  7. Select Add to add the member to the channel.
  8. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each person you want to add to the channel.

Add media to a channel

You can add media to a channel in several ways: By publishing media to a channel when you upload it, or by selecting it and adding it at a later time. To add media to your channel:

  1. To log into Kaltura MediaSpace, select the Guest icon (Guest icon in MediaSpace or Guest button in MediaSpace).

  2. At the upper right, select your name, and then select My Channels.
  3. Locate the desired channel and select it.
  4. Select Add Media.
  5. From the "Add Media" page, you have two options:
    • Search for and select items from among your existing media. Once you've selected the items you want to add to your channel, select Publish.
    • Select Add Media to upload a new video or create a new webcam or screen recording; for instructions on adding new media, see Upload media to Kaltura MediaSpace.

This is document amsj in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-06-12 12:53:03.