Sources of funding to acknowledge in published work if you use IU's research cyberinfrastructure

The Indiana University cyberinfrastructure managed by the Research Technologies division of UITS is supported by funding from several grants, each of which requires you to acknowledge its support in all presentations and published works stemming from research it has helped to fund. Conscientious acknowledgment of support from past grants also enhances the chances of IU's research community securing funding from grants in the future.

Following are the acknowledgment statements required for scholarly printed works, web pages, talks, online publications, and other presentations supported by grant-funded cyberinfrastructure at IU. In some cases, your research might be supported by, and require the acknowledgment of, several grants simultaneously.

On this page:

Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI) or PTI Service and Cyberinfrastructure Center

Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI)

All works supported by use of Pervasive Technology Institute (PTI) resources should include the following (select one or more of the items within the brackets):

The authors acknowledge the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute for providing [supercomputing, visualization, database, storage, and/or consulting] resources that have contributed to the research results reported within this paper.



Stewart, C.A., Welch, V., Plale, B., Fox, G., Pierce, M., Sterling, T. (2017). Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute. Bloomington, IN.

National Center for Genome Analysis Support (NCGAS)

All papers and other scholarly printed works supported by use of computing time, software, consulting services, or bioinformatic gateways provided by the National Center for Genome Analysis Support (NCGAS) should include:

This research is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DBI-1062432 2011, ABI-1458641 2015, and ABI-1759906 2018 to Indiana University. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, the National Center for Genome Analysis Support, or Indiana University.

Research initiatives

Collaborative Initiative on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (CIFASD)

All works supported by use of CIFASD Informatics Core facilities or personnel should include:

The project described was supported by grant number 1U24AA014818-01 from NIAAA/NIH. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the NIAAA/NIH.

Grants that used the 3D facial imaging equipment associated with CIFASD should also acknowledge support from the Indiana Genomics Initiative (see below).

Indiana Genomics Initiative

All works related to the life sciences (including papers, online publications, web pages, or talks) supported by use of any bioinformatics software provided by IU, the staff of the UITS Research Technologies Biomedical and Health Research Services (formerly Advanced Biomedical IT Core), or IU's Scholarly Data Archive (SDA), should include:

This research was supported in part by the Indiana Genomics Initiative. The Indiana Genomics Initiative of Indiana University is supported in part by Lilly Endowment, Inc.

Research systems

Big Red 200, Quartz, Slate, Slate-Project, or Slate-Scratch

All papers and other scholarly printed works supported by use of Big Red 200, Quartz, Slate, Slate-Project, or Slate-Scratch should include:

This research was supported in part by Lilly Endowment, Inc., through its support for the Indiana University Pervasive Technology Institute.

The Research Database Complex or Scholarly Data Archive

All works supported by use of the Research Database Complex (RDC) or Scholarly Data Archive (SDA) should include:

This work was supported in part by Shared University Research grants from IBM, Inc., to Indiana University.

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Last modified on 2024-07-15 09:20:49.