About Zoom roles and permissions

On this page:

Roles in standard and large meetings

Standard meeting rooms can accommodate up to 300 attendees; this includes the host and co-host(s). For meetings with 301 to 500 attendees, hosts can request a large meeting license; see Use Zoom for large video meetings or webinars at IU. Roles in large meetings are the same as those in standard meetings.

  • Host: The host has complete control of the meeting and all of its settings.
  • Co-host: The host can designate one or more co-hosts. Except for ending the meeting and designating other co-hosts, the co-host can perform all tasks available to the host.
    In breakout rooms, the co-host role is not available, and co-hosts are demoted to participants.
  • Participant: This role is most appropriate for students and attendees who should not have administrative privileges to the meeting.

Permissions chart

Action Host Co-host Participant
Answer poll No  No  Yes
Ask poll Yes Yes No 
Chat Yes Yes Yes
Designate co-host Yes No  No 
End meeting Yes No  No 
File sharing Yes Yes Yes
Lock meeting Yes Yes No 
Lock screen sharing Yes Yes No 
Modify meeting settings Yes Yes No 
Mute/unmute all* Yes Yes No 
Put participant on hold** Yes Yes No 
Raise hand No  No  Yes
Remove attendee Yes Yes No 
Share video Yes Yes Yes
Stop video Yes Yes No 

*Participants can unmute themselves at any time. While hosts/co-hosts can lock screen sharing, they cannot lock audio sharing.
**Putting participants on hold is not available via the Linux Zoom client.

Roles in webinars

Webinars can accommodate either 1,000 or 3,000 attendees. However, you will need to request a license in order to host a webinar.

  • Host: The host has complete control of the webinar and all its settings.
  • Co-host: The host can designate one or more co-hosts. Except for designating other co-hosts and ending the webinar, a co-host can perform all tasks available to the host.
  • Panelist: You can designate up to 50 panelists (including the host) in your webinar. Panelists have the same administrative privileges as participants, but they also have the ability to answer questions via the Question & Answer (Q&A) feature, as well as poll questions.
  • Participant: This role is most appropriate for students and attendees who should not have administrative privileges.

Permissions chart

Action Host Co-host Panelist Participant
Answer poll* No  No  Yes Yes
Answer question Yes Yes Yes No 
Ask poll Yes Yes No  No 
Chat Yes Yes Yes Yes
Designate co-host Yes No  No  No 
End meeting Yes No  No  No 
Lock meeting Yes Yes No  No 
Lock screen sharing Yes Yes No  No 
Modify meeting settings Yes Yes No  No 
Mute/unmute all Yes Yes No  No 
Put participant on hold** Yes Yes No  No 
Raise hand No  No  No  Yes
Remove attendee Yes Yes No  No 
Share video Yes Yes Yes Yes
Stop video Yes Yes No  No 

*Panelists may answer a poll if permitted by the host or co-host.
**This is not available via the Linux Zoom client.

This is document aodf in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-08-16 13:20:43.