Publish Denodo resources in DS.IU

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Decision Support (DS) environments

Denodo resources can be published in two Decision Support (DS) environments:

DS, also commonly referred to as DS.IU, allows the publication of links to resources in any environment. However, publication of non-production resources in the PROD DS environment is not recommended, since such resources may be unavailable or unsupported.

Non-production resources should serve a specific purpose for a limited time, such as testing or proof of concept, and should be published in the TEST DS environment.

Resource Security (RS)

DS uses the Data Delivery Resource Security (RS) application to perform permission checks and routing for DS published URLs. Two RS environments are available:

Typically, TEST RS is used with SND, DEV, and STG Denodo resources, while PROD RS is used with PRD Denodo resources (as outlined below).


IU has four available Denodo environments, accessible through the following REST web service URLs:

In addition to the default /denodo-restfulws REST web service provided by Denodo, user-defined web services identified by /server are possible. To create user-defined web services, follow the instructions in Denodo Web Services.

Denodo web service URLs conform to one of the following formats:

  • Default format:
  • User-defined format:

Example of composing a Denodo URL for DS publishing

Find your Denodo view in Apply Security and access the permissions. Under the permissions, click Publish to DS.IU.

Select 'Publish to DS.IU'

After the pop-window appears, click Copy link and use this URL as your "Task URL" in the DS publishing form.

This is document aofn in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-07-12 12:09:01.