About digital badges and microcredentials at IU

Microcredentials and digital badges are tools that can be used to acknowledge a learner's mastery of small, granular pieces of knowledge or demonstrated achievements or skills. Digital badges are a visual indicator of an earned microcredential, and are embedded with verified metadata, which makes them shareable across social media and the internet. Digital badging is available to all students, faculty, and staff on all Indiana University campuses.

In April 2022, Instructure, makers of Canvas, acquired Concentric Sky, makers of Badgr (see Instructure's press release announcing the acquisition). Badgr Pro (the advanced suite of microcredentialing tools to which IU subscribes) was rebranded to "Canvas Credentials". Any mentions of Badgr or Badgr Pro in IU's websites, documentation, or media refer to what is now Canvas Credentials. As of December 2022, the Badgr tab in Canvas reads Credentials.

For information about IU's microcredential and digital badging initiatives, visit Microcredentials & Digital Badging at IU.

If you have questions about issuing digital badges for your course, department, or program, email iubadges@iu.edu.

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Last modified on 2023-01-20 14:12:16.