STC locations at IU Bloomington

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Student Technology Centers (STCs) are available in the following locations at Indiana University Bloomington.

Classroom types are as follows:

  • Classroom: These labs can be reserved for semester classes but are available for general use when not occupied for class meetings. The computers in these locations run the complete IU build and are STC hardware. Specialized software for IU courses is normally deployed only to specific classrooms where such courses are taught and not to the general IU build.

    To see when a classroom is available for use, go to and select Continue as Guest.

  • Study: These locations are open for general use at all times and cannot be reserved. The computers in these locations run the complete IU build and are STC hardware.
  • Innovation: This is a unique study space with specialized software and hardware available. The lab provides 3D printing services to students and faculty on campus, while also offering multiple VR stations for visitors to use and experiment with for classes. An innovation space cannot be reserved.
  • Collaboration: These group rooms, found in libraries around campus, can be reserved. These breakout rooms encourage teamwork between students by providing more quiet space, presentation displays, and meeting software with webcam. The computers in these rooms run the complete IU build and are STC Hardware.
  • Express: The computers in these locations have a very limited suite of applications installed, including Office applications, browsers, and printing. They are meant to be used for about 10 minutes to check email, print an assignment, or check Canvas between classes.
  • BYOD: These stations are for those who wish to bring their own devices, such as laptops or mobile phones. BYOD areas are equipped with a large monitor and USB-C cable for an easy connection between your personal device and the screen.

Academic buildings

Building Room Type Seats Platform
Ballantine Hall BH 027 Study 3 Windows
BH 107 Classroom 22 Windows
BH 108 Classroom 22 Windows
BH 115 Classroom 28 Windows
BH 117 Study 20 Windows
BH 118 Classroom 36 Windows
BH 129 Study 3 Windows
BH 235 Study 3 Windows
BH 308 Classroom 32 Windows
BH 328 Study 3 Windows
Education ED 1160 Study 12 Windows
ED 2011 Study 6 Windows
ED 2015 Classroom 35 Windows
Fine Arts FA 004 Classroom 18 Mac
FA 137 Classroom 22 Mac
FA 215 Classroom 27 Windows, Mac
Franklin Hall FF 035 Classroom 16 Windows
FF 052 Study 18 Mac
FF 073 Classroom 36 Windows
Geology GY 2053 Classroom 30 Windows
GY 2999 Express 2 Windows
Hodge Hall HH 1047 Classroom 42 Windows
HH 1049 Classroom 42 Windows
HH 4055 Classroom 29 Windows
HH 4057 Classroom 36 Windows
Indiana Memorial Union IMU 089 Study 7 Windows
IMU 089A Study 4 Windows
IMU 098 Study 31 Windows
Informatics West (Myles Brand Hall)
I 109 Classroom 36 Windows
I 199 Express 1 Windows
Biology Building JH 199 Express 5 Windows
Kirkwood Hall KH 016 Classroom 20 Windows
Lindley Hall LH 030 Classroom 29 Windows
LH 115 Study 7 Windows
Luddy Hall IF 0119 Classroom 32 Mac
IF 1019 Classroom 45 Windows
Merrill Hall MU 099 Express 1 Windows
Music M 160 Study 35 Windows
M 360 Study 62 Windows, Mac
M 373 Classroom 29 Mac
Neal-Marshall Center & Norvelle Theater
TH 199 Express 2 Windows
TH A220 Study 8 Windows
Psychology PY 199 Express 8 Windows
PY 199P Study 6 Windows
Public Health PH 154 Classroom 26 Windows
PH 199 Express 3 Windows
PH 199B Express 5 Windows
Radio/TV TV 186 Classroom 28 Windows
TV 250 Classroom 18 Mac
SPEA PV 150 Study 44 Windows
PV 151 Classroom 30 Windows
PV 154 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 156 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 158 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 160 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 162 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 164 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 166 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 172 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 174 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 178 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 180 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 182 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 184 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 186 Collaboration 1 BYOD
PV 199B Express 6 Windows
PV A209 Study 3 Windows
Student Building SB 221 Classroom 35 Windows
SB 222 Study 10 Windows
SB 230 Classroom 22 Windows
Swain West SW 118 Study 8 Windows
Wells Library IC 201 Study 74 Windows
LC 110 Study 2 Windows
LC 114 Study 16 BYOD
LC 118 Study 16 Windows
LC 121A Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 121B Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 121C Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 121D Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 121E Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 122 Study 16 Windows
LC 127A Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 128 Study 6 Windows
LC 131A Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 131B Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 131C Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 132 Study 6 Windows
LC 135A Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 135B Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 135C Collaboration 1 Windows
LC 140 Study 8 Windows
LC 144 Classroom 24 Windows
LI 241 Study 10 Windows
LI 401 Study 46 Windows, Mac, BYOD
LI 402 Classroom 50 Windows
LI 403 Innovation 6 Windows
LI 502 Study/Collaboration 44 Windows
LI 503 Classroom 50 Windows
Woodburn WH 211 Study 16 Windows
WH 299 Express 1 Windows
Wylie WY 125 Classroom 30 Windows

Residence halls and apartments

Building Room Type Seats Platform
3rd & Union Apartments UA 015 Study 5 Windows
Ashton JO 198 Study 2 Windows
GG 101 Study 8 Windows
Briscoe BQC 001 Study 20 Windows
BQC 133 Study/ASC 12 Windows
BQC 199 Express 4 Windows
Campus View CV 110 Study 14 Windows, BYOD
Cedar Hall ACC 099 Express 2 Windows
ACC 199 Study 8 Windows
Collins Smith S8A012 Study 7 Windows
MEC199 Express 2 Windows
Eigenmann EG 100 Study 12 Windows
EG 199 Express 1 Windows
Forest FRC 199 Express 3 Windows
FRC 225 Study/ASC 5 Windows
FRC 236 Study 14 Windows
Foster Gresham GR 102A Classroom 20 Windows
Foster Harper HQC 199 Express 8 Windows
Foster Magee RUD 001 Study 12 Windows
McNutt MNC 018 Classroom 48 Windows
MNC 001B Study 24 Windows
Memorial Hall MMA 025 Study 9 Windows
MMA 199 Express 1 Windows
Read REE 015 Study 13 Windows
REE 199 Express 3 Windows
Rose Avenue - Spruce Hall RAB 199 Express 1 Windows
RAB 113 Study 5 Windows
Teter TE 199 Express 1 Windows
TEF 110 Study/ASC 7 Windows
TEF 120 Study 10 Windows
Tulip Tree TT 102 Study 13 Windows
University East UE 020 Study 6 Windows
Walnut Grove - Chestnut buildings
WGC 125 Study 4 Windows
WGDD 101 Study 2 Windows
WGD 201 Study 2 Windows
WGD 301 Study 2 Windows
WGD 401 Study 2 Windows
Walnut Grove - Persimmon buildings
WGA 130 Study 2 Windows
WGA 230 Study 2 Windows
WGA 330 Study 2 Windows
WGA 430 Study 2 Windows
WG 199 Express 1 Windows
Willkie Center WI 100 Study 16 Windows
Willkie Mason MQ 195 Express 1 Windows
Willkie North WN 199 Express 3 Windows
Willkie South WS 002 Study 4 Windows
Wright (under construction) WT 002 Study 8 Windows
WT 003 Study 8 Windows
WT 199 Express 1 Windows

This is document aqut in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-11 13:57:11.