ARCHIVED: In Oncourse Tests & Surveys, how do I view or export participant scores and answers to individual questions?

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To view student scores and answers to individual questions in Tests & Surveys:

  1. In the menubar of the relevant site, click Tests & Surveys.
  2. On the "Assessments" page, under "Published Assessments", find the pertinent assessment. Next to its title, click --Select Action--, and then click Scores. By default, the "Total Scores" screen will open, displaying a table with the following information for each participant:
    • Name
    • User ID
    • Role
    • Submit Date (the date the participant submitted the assessment)
    • Score

      Note: Unsubmitted assessments will show a single dash ( - ) in the "Adjustment" column. The tool will not automatically send a score of zero to the gradebook when a student does not take an assessment. To enter a score for an unsubmitted assessment, type a value in the "Adjustment" column, and then click Update to save your changes.

    • Adjustment (a field for you to enter an adjustment that will be added to the Score; click Update to save your changes)
    • Final Score (the participant's final score, calculated by adding the Score and Adjustment values)
    • Comment for Student (a text box in which you can type comments that will appear when participants view their submitted tests; click Update to save your changes)

      Note: In addition to providing feedback in the comment text boxes, you can attach files on the "Questions" page or on a student's individual submission page.

    Note: By default, the information on the "Total Scores" screen is sorted alphabetically by participant name. To sort the information using another column, click the name of the column. If you allowed multiple submissions, you can use the drop-down list near the top of the screen to view only the submission with the highest score.

  3. To see the questions on the test, and your participants' answers to each, near the top of the screen, click Questions. Navigate through questions by clicking the question links near the top of the screen. This can allow you to quickly compare how all students answered a specific question.

    Note: For Short Answer/Essay questions, you can view the entire response on the question page (rather than just the first few words with a link) by changing the drop-down option from Responses Pop-Up to Responses Inline.

  4. To see the total number of submissions, the total score possible, and statistical information (such as the mean, median, mode, and range of the scores), near the top of the screen, click Statistics.

    Beneath the cumulative information, each question is listed with a histogram showing the number of students who selected a particular response.

  5. To see information about student performance on each item, click Item Analysis. Here you can see:
    • A column labeled "N", showing the number of students who were presented with this question.
    • The percentage who got the question correct among the whole group, the upper 27% of test takers, and the lower 27%.
    • An index labeled "Discrim", which measures how well an item is able to distinguish between students who perform well and those who perform poorly on the test as a whole. A score of 1 represents perfect discrimination (i.e., all the top students got it correct and all the lowest students missed it), a score of 0 represents an equal number of top performers and low performers who answered correctly, and a negative score means that more low performers than top performers answered correctly.

      Note: For any question with more than one response, the discrimination index measures the difference between students who got the entire question correct and those who did not.

    • The number of students who skipped the question.
    • Columns with letters A, B, C, etc. For multiple choice, true/false, and rating questions, these show the number of students who selected each possible answer for a question; a bold number appears next to the correct answer where applicable. For matching, fill-in-the-blank, and numeric questions, the number indicates how many students answered correctly for each possible blank or correct pairing. Mouse over the information icon (  The icon looks like the letter i in a circle ) next to each number to see the text of the answer.
  6. To export all assessment responses in Microsoft Excel format, click Export.
  7. To export the assessment scores in CSV format, click Download spreadsheet template.
  8. To see only the ungraded questions on the test, and your participants' answers to each, near the top of the screen, click Ungraded.

If you plan to export and maintain local offline copies of any student information (including but not limited to names, University ID numbers, or grades), you are responsible for taking adequate security measures to handle and safeguard such data, as it remains sensitive university data.

For more, see Protecting Data & Privacy.

For more on handling sensitive data, see:

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 15:16:33.