About Microsoft 365 add-ins and Microsoft Store apps at IU

As an Indiana University faculty or staff member, you may apply add-ins for Microsoft 365 apps to your computer, subject to approval.

It is your responsibility as the requester to research the add-in before submitting your request.

Add-ins generally fall into one or more of the following categories:

  • Add-ins that do not require admin approval, do not have an associated cost, and do not store data may be installed as desired according to your department's guidelines.
  • Add-ins that require admin approval are not eligible for consideration.
  • If an add-in has an associated cost, your department chair or IT leader must approve the cost. However, if the add-in also requires admin approval, it is not eligible for consideration.
  • Add-ins that store data must be submitted for Software and Services Selection Process (SSSP) review. If the add-in is approved it will require annual re-certification.

If you would like your add-in to appear in the IU Portal of the Microsoft Store (that is, the "Trustees of Indiana University" section that appears when logged into the Microsoft Store with an IU Microsoft account), you may submit a software request:

  1. Navigate to the Software Request Form.
  2. Fill out the required fields (marked with a red asterisk), noting the following:
    • Next to "Available For", select Cloud.
    • Next to "Available Via", select Microsoft 365 Add-In.

    For more about filling out the Software Request Form, see Submit software requests.

This is document auct in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2023-10-24 16:55:07.