Request software for the STCs or IUanyWare

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Submit software requests

To request software for IUanyWare or the STCs, first be sure that you have licensing and media available, and then submit the Software Request Form. For more about requesting instructional software for deployment in the STCs, see About STC Software Sponsorship Agreements.


To ensure timely deployment, submit software requests by the following deadlines:

  • April 15 for the upcoming fall semester: The volume of software requests for new titles or versions which must be deployed during the summer is very high. Expect 90- to 120-day lead times for delivery of your application.
  • October 15 for the upcoming spring semester: Pertains to titles not requested for fall, but which are needed for spring.
  • February 15 for the upcoming summer semester: For titles not previously requested, but required for instruction during the summer.

Requests submitted after these deadlines will be processed in the order they were received. Timely deployment cannot be guaranteed after these dates. Requests submitted after the beginning the semester in which they are needed will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Expect 30- to 90-day lead times for delivery of any application requests received after the deadlines above.

Required fields are highlighted with a red asterisk.

  • Title & Version: If the system recognizes the title you enter, the application and version appear in the drop-down menu with the "Publisher" field completed.

    Be as accurate as possible (for example, "Latest" is not an acceptable version). If you are uncertain, use the latest version number you know.

  • Publisher: If this field does not auto-populate, enter the name of the publisher. A URL alone is insufficient.
  • Requestor: Your contact information appears automatically. If you are not the primary contact for this software, add the appropriate contact(s) below (select the blue plus sign for additional lines if necessary). This is useful if your department has a local UITS support person who works with UITS, or if your department maintains a group account for your technical staff.
  • Needed By: The semester of first use (or ASAP)
  • Available For: The platform(s) on which your application runs. The options you choose in this field determine the available choices in the next field, as detailed below.
  • Available Via:
    • Windows:
      • IUanyWare: To request that your Windows application be available online to all IU students, faculty, and staff, from any location (restrictions may apply)
        The IUanyWare group may require additional information.
      • STC - Windows: For deployment onto machines running the STC Lab build
    • Mac:

    When you select any of the above options, you'll be able to specify restrictions which can optionally be applied to the deployment in that environment (for example, ADS group, user, campus, building, room, seat). Be sure to specify these limits for software with access or licensing restrictions.

  • Add a comment: Use this space to include any other useful information about your request, including links to the installation media. When making comments, be sure to tag the user you want to notify about the changes you made to the request by using @username and then choosing the associated username from the drop-down list. This generates an email alert notifying the tagged individuals that information relevant to your software request has been updated.

When you select Submit, you will be asked if you have licensing and media available.

  • If you answer No, your request will go into STC Development for a preliminary review, but will be considered incomplete until this information is provided. An incomplete request may not act as a placeholder while waiting for media or licensing. If your department is not the sponsor and owner of the appropriate licenses, indicate (under "Add a comment") the identity of the group sponsoring the requested application software.
  • If you answer Yes, you will be presented a comments field for adding licensing information or a URL to a direct link to the media you wish to have deployed. You will also have an option to attach a file, allowing you to upload your application installation files directly, reducing delays.

Certify the application

Once your software request has been packaged, prior to its deployment to the requested locations you, as the requester, will be asked to test and certify that the application is working properly. You can do this virtually through IUanyWare or on a designated physical location on campus; see below for details about each option. Once the software has been certified, it will be deployed to the designated STC or partner locations.

  • STC Software Certification Desktop via IUanyWare:
    1. Install the client software; see Set up and use IUanyWare.
    2. Log into IUanyWare.

    3. From the storefront, select the Desktops tab at the top of the page. You should see the Software Certification Desktop listed; select it to certify your software.
  • On-campus locations:
    • IU Bloomington
      • Herman B Wells Library, fourth floor (LI 401); ask Support Center In-Person Support (SCIPS) staff on duty for assistance
    • IU Indianapolis
      • Business/SPEA 3000
      • Cavanaugh Hall 499
      • ET 019
      • NU 342
    • IU Kokomo
      • IU Kokomo Library (KA 127)

After you complete the testing and certification of the application, return to your original request (or contact your local UITS support person) and indicate that the software is working correctly and has been accepted. When STC Development receives notification that the request was certified, they will set up the application for deployment to the locations listed in the request.

Approval from the requester that the software works is required for the application to be deployed to production.

Get help

For additional information about the Software Requests form, email STC Help at

Related documents

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Last modified on 2024-05-28 16:46:58.