About the STC maintenance window

To keep the Student Technology Centers (STCs) up-to-date and functioning properly, each STC has a daily maintenance window beginning every evening at 10pm (15 minutes after the last class of the day lets out) and ending at 7am. Normally, you will not experience any interruption of service; however, if you are working in an STC, you may be asked to save your work and log out while the workstation reboots.

On rare occasions, maintenance may require an STC service outage. To minimize the impact of such an outage, Sunday mornings from 6am-10am are reserved for the maintenance of central systems which support the STCs. Generally, central STC services may be intermittent but outages not widespread. Such maintenance is scheduled in advance, usually when classes are not in session, and is announced on Status.IU.

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Last modified on 2021-10-11 16:06:37.