Accessibility questions to ask current or potential vendors

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Following is a list of questions to ask vendors regarding the accessibility maturity of their processes, products, or services. How the vendor answers questions about product or service design, testing, training, and support will help you determine whether the product or service will meet the needs of your customers.

You should also review and test a product or service for accessibility before purchasing. For more, see Minimum expectations for accessible vended software or web applications.

Design questions

  • When do you think about accessibility of your product or service? At the design stage, during the implementation process, or later on after it has been developed?
  • Do you have accessibility experts in your design/development team, or do you hire an outside accessibility consultant?
    • If the latter, what accessibility consulting company do you work with?
  • Do you use real end-users with disabilities to help design your product or service? How so?

Testing questions

  • How do you test for accessibility? Do you have accessibility testers in-house, for example, at the quality assurance department, or do you hire an outside accessibility consultant?
    • If the latter, what consulting company?
  • Do you use real end-users with disabilities to test your product or service?
    • How many and from what disability groups?
  • When do you perform accessibility testing? During the development phase or before the product or service is about to be released?
  • What is the accessibility criteria/matrix for testing your product or service? May we have a copy of the document?
  • Will you share the last accessibility report on your product or service with us?

Vendor internal education and training questions

  • Where do your designers and developers get accessibility training?
  • Which accessibility-related conferences do you attend?
  • Have you ever had an employee or an outside person with disabilities show how your product or service might be used with assistive software/hardware?

Documentation questions

  • Do you have accessibility documentation about your product or service?
  • Are the supported accessibility features in your product or service listed and explained?
  • Are the documents publicly accessible? May I have the URL to them?
    • What format are they in?

Support questions

  • Does your support staff get training on accessibility?
  • Is there an accessibility expert whom other support staff may contact for more advanced issues?
  • How exactly may accessibility feedback and problems be reported, where they will gain traction?
    • How are these directed to the right people?
  • Do you provide training to our staff to handle accessibility issues locally?

This is document awxb in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-01 16:15:23.