Request a virtual host for Sitehost

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You'll request and manage virtual hosts on Sitehost via the Enterprise Web Technical Services (WebTech) site. These instructions describe how to request, remove, and manage virtual hosts for your Sitehost accounts.

Manage virtual hosts for a Sitehost account

You can request a virtual host for a Sitehost account you own, or for which you are a listed proxy.

To manage virtual hosts for a Sitehost account, start from the details page:

  1. Visit, and select Manage your Sitehost account.
  2. Scroll to the appropriate account (it must have an active Sitehost account).
  3. Select the Account details: button that includes the account name.

Add the first virtual host to a Sitehost account

  1. From the account details page, scroll to the "Virtual Hosts" section and choose View virtual hosts.
  2. On the resulting page, select Request new Virtual Host and complete the following fields:
    • Primary URL: Enter the main virtual host URL you want to be associated with this Sitehost account. Only one Primary URL should usually exist for each document root (noted below in this list). Typical virtual host formats are or, and will not require you to purchase the hostname; do not include http or https in front of any URL (for example, instead of, it should be URLs with a differing format or domain may require additional work after approval.
    • Alias(es): Use this only if you want to request secondary URLs to be associated with the Sitehost account. Multiple URLs maybe entered as aliases, but must be separated by commas. The same rules for Primary URLs apply to aliases. If you want as well as, make sure you add it to the comma-separated list of URLs.
      WebTech no longer processes requests for www aliases, except for top-level university domains.
    • Document Root: By default, this will be the account's /web/ folder. This should only be changed under special circumstances, such as when a virtual host should point to a specific page or directory other than the /web/ folder.
    • Contact Email: The email address for the responsible party for this virtual host, typically the requester's.
    • Technical Contact Email (optional): Complete this field if there is an organization or individual providing supplementary technical support for the virtual host. Group email addresses are acceptable. If the group email address is already listed as a contact in the account overview access pane, you can leave this field blank.
    • "This currently points to another server" checkbox: If the virtual host you are requesting already exists and points to a server other than Sitehost, select this box.
    • Comments: Use this field for any additional information you want to share about your request.
  3. Select Save, and your request will route to Tier 2 Web Services Support (WSS) for approvals and processing. Allow up to 5 business days.

Add additional virtual hosts or aliases to a Sitehost account

To add more virtual hosts for an existing Sitehost account:

  • If the new host will point to a different document root: Complete the steps above as if creating your first virtual host for the Sitehost account, being sure to specify the new document root for the virtual host.
  • If the new host will point to the same document root:
    1. You can add additional URLs as an alias of the virtual host you already created. From the account details page, select View virtual hosts.
    2. Select Manage for the virtual host for which you want to add an alias.
    3. Select the Edit button near the list of alias URL(s).
    4. Select the Add additional alias URL(s) button that appears.
    5. In the text field that appears, enter the alias or aliases you want to add, subject to the same rules for Primary URLs as above. If you have or are entering multiple aliases, be sure to separate them with commas. If you want as well as, make sure you add it to the comma-separated list of URLs.
      WebTech no longer processes requests for www aliases, except for top-level university domains.
    6. Select Add new Alias URL(s).

Your request will route to Tier 2 WSS for approvals and processing. Allow up to five business days.

Transfer virtual hosts

To transfer an entire virtual host from one account to another:

  1. From the details page for the account that currently owns the virtual host, select View virtual hosts.
  2. Select Manage for the virtual host you want to transfer.
  3. Select the Edit button near the group account value.
  4. Choose the group account you want to transfer to from the drop-down. This list is pre-filtered to show accounts you have ownership or proxy access to, that also have an active Sitehost account.
  5. Select Transfer virtual host. The document root on this virtual host will automatically switch /groups/{account}. If you need to make further changes, you can edit the document root separately. It will take 30 minutes to an hour for the changes to take place.

To transfer an alias URL from one virtual host to another:

  1. From the details page for the account that currently owns the virtual host, select View virtual hosts.
  2. Select Manage for the virtual host you want to transfer.
  3. Select the Edit button near the list of alias URL(s).
  4. Select the checkboxes next to any alias you want to transfer.
  5. Select the Transfer selected aliases to another virtual host that appeared.
  6. Select the virtual host you want to transfer these aliases to from the drop-down.
  7. Select Transfer.

Disable a virtual host

Disabling a virtual host also disables all aliases associated with that virtual host. To disable a virtual host but not an associated alias, create a new virtual host with the alias as the Primary URL, and then disable the original alias.

To disable a virtual host:

  1. From the details page for the account that currently owns the virtual host, select View virtual hosts.
  2. Select the Edit button near the status value.
  3. Select the Disable button.

Your virtual host will be disabled automatically (typically within 10 minutes). You will retain ownership of the virtual host, and it can be re-enabled at any time.

Change the Primary hostname

This action is available only if the virtual host has alias URLs.
  1. Select the Edit button near the Primary URL value.
  2. Select the Switch primary URL with an existing alias button.
  3. Select the alias you want to be the new Primary URL from the drop-down that appears.
  4. Select Switch primary URL.

Transfer the Primary hostname to another virtual host

  1. Select the Edit button near the Primary URL value.
  2. Select the Transfer primary URL to another virtual host button.
  3. From the drop-down that appears, select the virtual host you want to transfer the URL to.
  4. Select the Transfer primary URL button.

Remove aliases

  1. Select the Edit button near the alias URL list.
  2. Select the checkboxes next to any alias you want to remove.
  3. Select the Remove selected aliases button.

This is document axui in the Knowledge Base.
Last modified on 2024-07-25 12:57:46.