ARCHIVED: Changes in management of the IUPUI Student Technology Fee

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What changed?

On February 23, 2009, Chancellor Charles Bantz announced that a phased plan will leverage the Student Technology Fees (STF) paid by undergraduates at IUPUI to expand and enhance campus-wide IT services available to them. To accomplish this plan, the undergraduate STF at IUPUI is administered in full by University Information Technology Services (UITS). Student Technology Fees paid by graduate students at IUPUI are not affected by this plan unless schools opt in for all or part of the plan.

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How was the undergraduate Student Technology Fee previously administered at IUPUI?

For the past several years, UITS was allocated a flat amount per year (approximately 19%) of the STF to support IT training for students and to help provide staffing in Student Technology Centers. The remaining funds (approximately 81%) were distributed to schools based on a formula that included student credit hours.

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Why change?

Since these services were managed independently by 18 schools, the campus was not able to benefit from leveraging resources as much as is possible when all undergraduate technology fees are pooled. Goals for this change are to deliver additional services to students while creating a more consistent undergraduate experience with IT with greater efficiencies during this time of reduced budgets.

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When did the change occur?

UITS administration of the undergraduate STF at IUPUI began July 1, 2009. Many services previously provided by the STF in individual schools will have a phased transition to UITS as soon as possible, and in no more than three years, or by July 1, 2012.

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What changes are expected in the short term?

UITS is working with stakeholders and is borrowing against reserves to immediately fund selected high-priority services important to students. For example, on April 1, 2009, UITS and Card Services launched a new plan for undergraduate printing. UITS has also worked with the Campus Center to install new computer stations and printers on the Campus Center's Theatre Level. Other improvements have been planned in consultation with schools and service units. During the second half of spring semester 2009, transition teams determined changes to become effective July 1, 2009, and identified changes to occur during the 2009-2010 academic year. UITS and campus administrators are also exploring possibilities for new facilities, new software, and updated hardware across existing Student Technology Centers.

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How does the plan compare with how other IU campuses administer the STF?

This approach is consistent with the approach used on all other IU campuses. This plan ensures that campus services will benefit from the economy of scale of Indiana University. It positions IUPUI to benefit from pooled resources which have been instrumental in bringing important improvements, such as the recent Adobe licensing contract, to all students. Technology Fee monies do not replace UITS general funding, which supports a range of existing services for students, faculty, and staff. In other words, the STF is used to expand services that directly benefit students in all schools and programs.

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Is the IUB model applied to IUPUI?

The model for using the undergraduate Student Technology Fee at IUPUI is being developed by UITS in collaboration with the school-based transition teams, faculty groups, and students specifically to meet the needs of the Indianapolis campus. Student feedback is especially important as UITS evaluates the services provided, makes improvements, and adds new services. The model in place by the end of the three-year transition will build on unique campus requirements and evolving technological developments.

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How do IUPUI undergraduates benefit from this plan?

A phased plan leverages the Student Technology Fees of IUPUI to create additional IT services specifically for all undergraduates, simplify printing across the campus, and provide more technology classrooms while working with each IUPUI school to help serve its particular needs. Specific needs identified by students (e.g., new laptop charging lockers, more informal learning spaces which incorporate technology) are anticipated.

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Does this change affect technology in University Library?

Library users include IUPUI students, faculty, staff, and individuals from the community. The technology in the University Library is not funded by the Student Technology Fee, but is provided by the campus to provide a rich technology environment for library users to access and use information. The change in the way the Student Technology Fee is managed at IUPUI does not require any change in the way University Library technology is managed or supported. The University Library and UITS, however, are exploring partnerships which could extend or improve student academic success. Preliminary discussions center on joint projects within the library with shared responsibilities. New collaborative services will be introduced if they extend or improve services currently being provided.

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Will UITS develop liaisons or discipline specialists to work with schools?

A new support model with closer relationships and improved communication is anticipated as a result of both STF and Empowering People (IT Strategic Plan) initiatives.

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Last modified on 2019-11-13 10:40:38.